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Kells and Connor Primary School, Kells, Ballymena


2023/2024 School Year

4th Dec 2023
Congratulations to our November Award Winners. Well done everyone!
28th Nov 2023
Thanks to Mrs McMurray for our awesome display!
28th Nov 2023
Session 3 - painting the features
28th Nov 2023
P6 have been working tirelessly over the last few weeks on their African tribal masks....
27th Nov 2023
As part of anti-bullying week last week, we spent some time thinking about how we...
27th Nov 2023
As part of anti-bullying week last week, we spent some time thinking about how we...
24th Nov 2023
As part of of rainforest topic, we have been creating posters that warn of the dangers...
20th Nov 2023
During anti-bullying week P2 talked about friends and what makes a good friend....
16th Nov 2023
Our new topic for this term is ’World in Motion’.  Today we had...
16th Nov 2023
This week is all about Anti-bullying.  We talked about different types of bullying...