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Kells and Connor Primary School, Kells, Ballymena


2023/2024 School Year

27th Sep 2023
During our Activity Based Learning we have been exploring all the different things...
27th Sep 2023
P3 have been painting trees with autumnal colours. 
26th Sep 2023
As part of our topic ‘Our Autumn Garden, P3 have enjoyed lots of art activities! 
21st Sep 2023
We have had lots of fun being active in the Adventure Playground and with Coaching...
21st Sep 2023
We had another lovely morning of outdoor play today. It is great to see the children...
19th Sep 2023
We have enjoyed our Play Based Learning so far this term. Have a look at some of...
19th Sep 2023
P2 love getting outside to develop their learning and skills.
15th Sep 2023
Today in W.A.U we explored the sounds of of the rainforest and had a go at creating...
15th Sep 2023
In P5 we are studying the ‘Rainforest’ as our W.A.U topic. We created...
14th Sep 2023
P6 pupils used their Numeracy skills to solve the 'Buckets Galore' Challenge. Pupils...