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Kells and Connor Primary School, Kells, Ballymena

News - P3M

2023/2024 School Year

15th Dec 2023
15th Dec 2023
Well done to P1, P2 and P3 for a fantastic performance of a Wriggly Nativity. 
4th Dec 2023
Congratulations to our November Award Winners. Well done everyone!
15th Nov 2023
A big well done to everyone who supported our Odd Socks Day. A special thank you...
13th Nov 2023
As part of Anti-Bullying week, P3 are focusing on how to be good friends.Today we...
10th Nov 2023
Congratulations to our October Prize Winners. Well done everyone!
8th Nov 2023
In PE, P3M really enjoyed playing hungry hippos! We had to work together to collect...
27th Oct 2023
Well done to all our pupils who performed superbly at our Harvest Service in Kells...
24th Oct 2023
We have had lots of fun learning about different animals this term. We enjoyed art...
9th Oct 2023
In P3, we have been learning about owls as part of our World Around Us topic. We...