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Kells and Connor Primary School, Kells, Ballymena

News - P5

2023/2024 School Year

15th Nov 2023
A big well done to everyone who supported our Odd Socks Day. A special thank you...
10th Nov 2023
Congratulations to our October Prize Winners. Well done everyone!
27th Oct 2023
Well done to all our pupils who performed superbly at our Harvest Service in Kells...
20th Oct 2023
P5 have been very busy making miniature rainforests. The children’s enthusiasm,...
6th Oct 2023
We have been learning all about the animals of the rainforest. Today we used the...
6th Oct 2023
We worked in pairs and used clues to order numbers and answer questions. We have...
3rd Oct 2023
We made toucans and parrots from clay and then painted and decorated them with feathers....
29th Sep 2023
Congratulations to our award winners for September. Well done everyone!
15th Sep 2023
Today in W.A.U we explored the sounds of of the rainforest and had a go at creating...
15th Sep 2023
In P5 we are studying the ‘Rainforest’ as our W.A.U topic. We created...