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Kells and Connor Primary School, Kells, Ballymena

P1 Numeracy Fun

1st Feb 2024

This month we have been having lots of fun in our Numeracy lessons. 

We have been continuing to learn all about numbers and have focused on the numbers 6 and 7. Alongside this we’ve been focusing on 2D shapes, our positional language and directions and creating our own patterns!

Through lessons, structured play and our taskboard we have;

  • Made the number family using cuisenairre
  • Searched in the sand to find 6/7 items
  • Rolled our die and built a tower/monster with that many blocks  
  • Made minibeasts which have 6 legs 
  • Played number snap 
  • Finished the pattern on the board 
  • Created our own patterns using cubes/bears/animals and fruit 
  • Programmed the Beebots with our forwards and backwards commands