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Kells and Connor Primary School, Kells, Ballymena

News - P3M

9th Sep 2024
As part of our ‘Autumn Garden’ topic, P3 painted trees using brushes...

2023/2024 School Year

24th Jun 2024
Congratulations to all our Prize Winners who received their Prizes in a special assembly...
17th Jun 2024
P3M had a great time using multilink cubes to weigh different items in the classroom!...
7th Jun 2024
Congratulations to our Literacy, Numeracy and Citizenship Award Winners for May....
22nd May 2024
P1, P2, P3M and P3H all had a great morning at our Sports Day today.All the boys...
20th May 2024
As part of our new topic, ‘All Around Me’, we will be learning about...
10th May 2024
P3 had a super day making dog kennels as part of our Man’s Best Friend topic....
3rd May 2024
Congratulations to our Literacy, Numeracy, Citizenship, Tidy Classroom and Attendance...
12th Apr 2024
Congratulations to our award winners for March. 
11th Apr 2024
Primary 3 had a busy day celebrating World Maths Day! We carried out lots of maths...